Wednesday, April 6, 2011

New voice on our site

Dear All,

We have just received a new voice on our website.

Thank you for reading and we thank Holland for placing their voice on our site.

Best regards


Apple iPod touch 32 GB (4th Generation) NEWEST MODEL

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Free advertisments for the year 2011

Hi all,
At our site there is a possibility for everybody to advertise. As we are still in our  start up phase with our site and we would like to get it promoted as much as possible we offer free advertisement for the whole year of 2011. What will you get?

You can make your choice on which your page you want to advertise as there are two blocks on each page. In each block there will be a maximum of 12 logos per box which will be visible for 5 seconds per minute. however you will appear 60 times per hour and that is 1440 times per 24 hours. With the logo on our page there will also be a direct link towards your website.

As you can see you will get a lot for NOTHING. And there is no catch!! You will advertise 100% free in the year 2011. Of course we will appreciate it a lot when you mention our name some where too, however if you don’t your advertisements are still for free in 2011. So come to and sign up.

In our Newsflash you can read in which countries we are already known.

Best regards,
Let Your Voice Be Heard

Monday, March 28, 2011

Newsflash Posted

Dear All,

We have posted our newsflash, you can read this via the link below. When you want to comment on an article you can do so here.

Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl TechnologyEnjoy Reading

Friday, March 25, 2011

Reminder about the BT complaint

Dear All,

Further down in our blog you can read about a UK citizen that has a service complaint towards a UK company. This person is looking for support in his cause and maybe you have experienced the same bad service and you want to join this person and us to gather and make one voice stronger by adding your own voice via our site 

Let your voice be heard as you can not change anything if you dont speak up.

Best regards

Collapse Into Now

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Hi All,

Since our start on the 28th of February of this year, we have reached a record number of visitors yesterday. We had 128 unique visitors. Thank you for that.

Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl TechnologyThis also means that all of these people could have read your voice on our site or on either one of our blogs, as we have 4 at this moment.
We are working on even more as the more your voice is on the internet the more change we have to find people who share your voice and want to join you  in your cause.

We would like to thank you all for your trust in our site and we hope to see a lot more voices on our site.

Don't be silent as you are only heard in a crowd when you speak up!

Best regards

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Update on all our voices

Dear All,

As you can see on our site there are now 4 voices posted for which we are very grateful. We will do our utmost best to promote your voices into the WWW. Up to now we have received the following voices

  1. Support to sea shepherd ( Showing his support towards this environmental organization )
  2. Posted voice dog without a future ( A charity that helps dogs that have no future )
  3. Autism Awareness ( Is putting Autism under our attention, go to our site to read more )
  4. BT Complaint ( This voice is looking for other people that have complaints too )
 If you want to give your comment on either of these topics you can do so here on the blogs or via our site by posting your own voice. 
You can also always place your own voice with an other topic. 

Promoting will now be done on several places and we will continue to extend these sources; we now use the options below.

Blog 1:
Blog 2:
Blog 3:

We hope that you will post your voice with us to and let us help your voice be heard by those who need to hear it.

A new voice on our site: BT SERVICE COMPLAINT

It took 3 months for BT to finally install all of my products, including many visits to my home and repeated telephone calls. On one occasion the rep told me they could not find a fault but asked me to speak up as they could not hear me over the hissing on the line.
My BT Vision box has always given me an error message of H1001 when I turn it on but BT tell me that they do not support HDMI connections. I was sold this product as HDMI ready and capable. They offer HD content through their On Demand service. How else is someone meant to access HD content than through a HDMI cable.
I have advised them that they are in breach of contract and they advise me that I will be held liable for the full contract term if I cancel. I am about to raise a summons against them.
Whose with me?

We from LYVBH thank you for your voice. If you want to react to this voice you can do so on each blog or go to our site