Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A new voice on our site: BT SERVICE COMPLAINT

It took 3 months for BT to finally install all of my products, including many visits to my home and repeated telephone calls. On one occasion the rep told me they could not find a fault but asked me to speak up as they could not hear me over the hissing on the line.
My BT Vision box has always given me an error message of H1001 when I turn it on but BT tell me that they do not support HDMI connections. I was sold this product as HDMI ready and capable. They offer HD content through their On Demand service. How else is someone meant to access HD content than through a HDMI cable.
I have advised them that they are in breach of contract and they advise me that I will be held liable for the full contract term if I cancel. I am about to raise a summons against them.
Whose with me?

We from LYVBH thank you for your voice. If you want to react to this voice you can do so on each blog or go to our site

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