Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Hi all,

We would like to inform you here that we have seen visitors from the USA, The Netherlands and Sweden on our site. The start is made that our name is going around the world and that means your voice when you post it, it will be seen by a log of people.
At twitter we are very active and even though its a great medium, there is so much to see and read about complaints and support to groups businesses and individuals, its hard to keep up. That is why we are here, we are the internet filter and we make sure that in the forest of mails your voice will be heard by those who need to hear it.

While we also check lots of news groups we know what is going on in the world and not only the bad things, there is also a lot of good going on in all kinds of levels and for al living things. We humans might have the medium called internet, mother nature and her animals do not, and we also keep track of everything that is going on there.

When there are groups you want to support or discuss you can use us as the filter with the assurance that it will be done correct and you will be kept up to date on the result.

let your voice be heard, because when you are stand there silently you will not make a difference.

Best regards,

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